Tokyo Ghoul THM
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- First I look to the mean page and i found this link to another page
└──╼$ nmap –sCV
We found an FTP Port Open with Anonymous Login Allowed and there's another three open Ports (21, 22 and 80), so let's check the FTP port info.
So we got this file when we login with FTP Connection "note_to_jake.txt" and have this message
From Amy,
Jake please change your password. It is too weak and holt will be mad if someone hacks into the nine nine.
So this is a sign to try to BruteForce Jake Password, so we use hear Hydra to bruteforce jake ssh connection Password with this command
└──╼$ hydra -l jake -p /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt ssh:// -t 4
so while hydra takt it's time to bruteforce jake's password, let's gather some information by Gobuster
└──╼$ gobuster –w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt dir -u
We have nothing useful here, let’s take a look at the website.
Again nothing is useful here too, so Trying to find another something useful than that like The Source Code of the website.
There's an interesting comment here that said "Have you ever heard of steganography?", so i think to download the website image to check it.
-we can not find anything useful in this image by using exiftool and steghide tools.
-let's get back to our Hydra Brute-force and we got this credential for Jake
, so let's login into Jake account.
└──╼$ ssh jake@
password: 987654321
So we can not find the user.txt file into jack directory let's try to find it by using find command like that
└──╼$ find -type f -name "user.txt"
and now we go the user flag in this location -> ./home/holt/user.txt
let's now try to know what is the command that we can use it as a root user by using this command
└──╼$ sudo -l -l
And i found the less
command can be executed as root
so by using thins command we have two way to get the root flag
1- by using this command └──╼$ sudo less /root/root.txt
2- By using GTFObins Website to search about less
So let's try these commands in the machine like that by creating any file and run shell into it like that
touch file.txt
+ Enter
sudo less file.txt
+ Enter
+ Enter
Here we go now we become the Root user and can easily got the root flag.
Congratulation Machine has been Pwned!!